Broken up properly makes the most sense for your reader. So today I want to talk about how you can properly outline your blog post. More importantly, kind of just share my strategy with you guys exactly how I would outline a blog post.
So today I’m, going to be writing a blog post about how I went from zero into 1000 subscribers here on YouTube, and I did just launch a YouTube video sharing, some of the tips and the things that I think really helped me to Grow especially over the past few months, but it’s.
So much that I really want to share on that topic, such as the mistakes I made and white and grow for a whole year and the other tips and tricks that. I really learned that I wasn’t able to include in that video, so I’m going to outline this blog post today and I’m gonna walk.
You guys through it. The very first thing that I do, which should be absolutely no surprise to you, guys, as I figure out what the topic is, what I’m, going to talk about in that blog post. Now I already have an idea of what I’m, going to talk about in this blog post and it’s, going to be how I go from 0 to 1000 subscribers.
So the first thing I like to do, I’d like to include the title or the topic right at the top. It just makes it easy for me if I have to go back through and look at what I was thinking about, or if I’m writing a similar blog post in the future.
I want to make sure that I’m. Not talking about the same things, but when you are thinking about outlining your blog post is important to know the topic as well as the kind of blog post you’re going to create.
So, are you going to create a guide? How to post isn’t going to be a tutorial where you walk them through a certain number of steps? Is it going the list post where you share 7 things that you need to know what is going to be the main format for that blog post? That’s really going to help you, so you’re, not just kind of winging.
It you know, you know the structure that you want to create for that blog post. Now, all of a blog posts that I launched on my website. They have a little bit of an introduction. So I never start a blog post with a heading 2 tag.
Never ever you guys will never see that I always start my blog post with an introduction, which is just a couple of sentences that really kind of dive into what I’m, going to talk about in that blog post.
It warms up the audience. A little bit lets them know what they’re getting themselves into, and then I will get started with my heading to tag. So what you guys to remember that every one of your blog posts should start with that introduction.
But the next step that I do, I’d like to think about what further explanation do I need to give to my audience before I really dive into the meat of the blog post, so for this blog post in particular.
Talking about how I went from zero to a thousand, I really want to share with my audience my journey, so how I was able to do it and how long it tokin all of my analytics and stuff like that. But I also want to share the mistakes that I made, because if you guys watch that YouTube video, I shared that 2018.
I only gained 300 subscribers and just in this past week guys I have gained at seventy five new subscribers. So really I made a ton of mistakes in my first year and it really stunted my growth on the platform.
So I want to make sure that I get that out of the way before I start sharing my tips. So the next step that I would recommend to you guys is figure out. What further explanation can you give in the beginning? So let’s.
Go back to the example of talking about coconut oil. If you are sharing the benefits of coconut oil to your audience, you probably need to explain what coconut oil is and how they can use coconut oil and that’s.
Exactly how I would start your blog post, and that would be at your first heading to tag or maybe your top two heading to tags before you actually get into the meat of the post now hold up. I feel like I need to explain what a heading to tag is.
If you didn’t watch that other YouTube video talking about how to write a blog post, I did mention what a heading to tag is and how would you use them but to explain it for you guys right now it’s. Basically, the format or the main bullet points of your blog post and it’s, the thing that Google and other little robots on the internet.
They pull that information from your website and they say that these are your main points that is backing up. Your title, so your title is actually your heading one tag, and that is the top the main category of your blog post, then any heading to tag is basically the main bullet points that back up that heading one tag from there.
Underneath the heading 2 tag. You can have additional heading 3 tags that backup the heading 2 tag, so we hope that makes sense. Let’s. Just continue with outlining this, then I like to map up the main points.
So if you’re doing a list post and you are sharing three top things, this would be your number one. You’re number. Two you’re number three would come in at this point and you need to outline what those things are going to be so for me, I want to share some of you tips with you guys.
I want to especially focus on YouTube SEO and a couple of other things that I want to include in the blog post, but those are going to mean heading to tags once they have got the main points. I’m talking, like the main bullet points that I want to cover in the blog post.
Then it will kind of go back through and I would say what I want to cover underneath each of those main points, because most of my heading to tags are not just heading to x. They also have heading 3 tags underneath them.
So yes, when I start with that explanation or a little bit further information about what I’m going to dive into those. Rarely ever have heading 3 tags to kind of back up the heading to tag, but the main bullet points.
They always have backup points, so I’m, not just gonna start with a heading to tag that says YouTube tips and then just have all of my bullet points below that without any heading tags attached to them it’s, not Really good for your SEO.
It’s, also, not very good for your structure. So if I have points that are backing up those YouTube tips, so what those YouTube tips actually are. Those are then going to be my heading 3 tags. So these right here these will be my heading three tags compared to these right here.
These are just actually my additional notes and things that I want to cover underneath a youtube SEO heading to tag, but one of the most important things that I really need to remember when I’m outlining this blog post, is to include different things That I did not include in that YouTube video, because that YouTube video is going to be linked in this blog post, and I need to make sure that both platforms are sharing helpful information and that they kind of feed off each other.
So I am going to be sharing at different information in this blog post compared to that YouTube video. At this point I will go in and I will start writing the content now. For me, I like to work in order.
It makes the most sense to me if I just start with the introduction – and I worked my whole way to the conclusion, but that’s. One thing I want to mention right now is that when I am outlining my blog post, I typically do not include the conclusion at the very bottom of just the outline, because I know that I’m going to include it myself.
So do not forget the conclusion, as well as the introduction when you were writing your blog post, but now I will go in. I will write my blog post and once I have all the content written then I will go in and I will continue to kind of improve the structure in the format of the blog post.
So I mentioned this in that other video talking about how to write a blog post, but I think it is so important that you understand where your visual breaks are going to be. So where are your ads, where your videos, where your image is? Where are your opt-ins? Where are they going to fit within your blog post – and I mentioned this in that they’re video, but I like to include breaks right before my heading to tax.
So I will include heading to. I will write all of the information there if there’s any heading 3 and more information, then, before the next heading to tag I won’t, add an image or add a visual graphic or something that helps to break up the Blogpost – and I think that this is extremely important to help with a format of your blog post, because it just makes it more visually appealing for your audience when they are looking through your blog post, especially if they want to skim it and really that’s it when it comes to outlining my blog post.
I know that this was a pretty short YouTube video for me, but that’s. Exactly what I do. I grab my journal and a pen and I will sit down and I will jot down all of my ideas. Sometimes when I write the outline it’s, not in the right order, and I kind of have to move things around.
I’ll, move to a new sheet and I will write it out again to make sure that everything flows and it’s in the right order. Or if I’ve, already written the blog post and let’s say like the YouTube SEO section seems to fit somewhere else better.
I will go ahead and I will move that whole entire section at somewhere else in the blog post. My outline is really just to make sure that I am including all of the information that I need to include and that I want to include in that blog post and I personally just like using pen and paper, because I I don’t know.
I I like it much better than just using my computer’s, so that is it for this YouTube video. I hope you guys liked it and found it helpful if you have some other strategies that you like to use when you are outlining your blog post.