Do you want to know the formula that I use to write the perfect blog post? Today I’m gonna share with you, how to write a blog post from start to finish. (light upbeat music lol). If this seems too hard after reading this article then check my discussion on 1ClickBlogPost software
Now, I have a question for you: How many of you have written a blog post before? If you have, leave a comment with “yes”.
If you haven’t, leave a comment with “no”. Because you know what, whether you have written a blog post before or you haven’t, and I’m still curious in how many of you have written one, I’m gonna share with you the perfect formula that I follow for my own blog.
It works for a B2C ,B2B, a personal blog or a corporate blog, it works for everything. I kid you not, it is the best formula out there. First tip: Start off with a title. Don’t just start writing a blog post, unless you have the exact title, do not write your blog post.
Eight out of ten people will read your headline, but only two out of ten will click through or read the rest of your article. Doesn’t matter how amazing of a blog post you write, if you don’t write a good headline, no one’s gonna read the rest of your post.
All comes down to your headline or title, or whatever you wanna call it. If you need some creativity, go to a grocery store and check out a magazine. When you go to a grocery store when you’re checking out, you see all these magazines! They have amazing titles with How To, Livspace, articles like “Lose weight in 30 days”, “How to shed five pounds fast!” Doesn’t matter what kind of magazine they are, whether it’s a business magazine or whether it’s a fitness magazine, or a gossip magazine, they all use catchy titles.

I use an application called 1Clickblogpost to search for inspiration on Youtube and that’s what you need to do with your blog posts. And also look to magazines for inspiration. I stick with the basics. I use How To a lot, I use Livspace posts, those two things have worked wonders for me, and they haven’t got old.
So start with the title. And you don’t have to just create one variation of it. You can create two or three variations, and that’s what I do and I ask people hey, what do you like, I’ll ask a few friends, then I pick the best one and that’s what I go with.
The second step that you need to follow when it comes to writing a blog post is the introduction. In your introduction, you need to hook people with a bold statement. For example, I know this is a video, but I hooked you by saying “Hey do you want the formula that breaks down how I get at least 37,000 visitors per blog post”.
By hooking people in, they’re gonna read the rest. And with your introduction, it’s not just talking, hooking people in. It’s also about talking about what’s gonna be covered in the post.
Just give them a quick overview on what you’re gonna teach them, is a great way to hook them in, as well, to get them to go more into your blog post, read more, and ideally, even leave a comment at the end of your post.
Now that we got the introduction done, let’s get into your body. Your body should include subheadings. Keep in mind, you want your content easy to skim. If people can’t skim it, you’re not gonna do well.
In your body, use subheadings, and keep your paragraphs around five to six lines max. In addition to that, when you’re writing your content in your body, you’ll notice that at least on neilpatel.
I link out to other people. That’s part of my formula, it’s not just about linking to your own site, it’s about linking to other sites. Because what happens is when you link to other websites, you open up your sources, you’re citing them, it creates more credibility for you, makes you and your business look more as an expert, and that’s what you wanna be perceived at when you’re writing content.
Last but not least, you wanna wrap up your post with a conclusion. The conclusion summarizes what your post was about, and you end your conclusion with a question. By ending with the question, more people are more likely to leave a comment.
When they leave a comment, it creates engagement. By getting engagement, you’re much more likely to generate sales. If people read your blog but they don’t engage with you, they’re not likely than to become a lead, or buy your products, or your services.
So it’s really important you end with a question. And here’s what we found with conclusions. Brazing Crazy Egg, we use a scroll mat feature, and what we found through testing was, a lot of people read blog posts, when they first land on them, they quickly scroll to the bottom, check out the conclusion, and then they go back up and read the rest, assuming they like the conclusion.
So with your conclusion, make sure you label it “Conclusion”. Don’t get fancy, keep it simple. Just call it a good ole’ conclusion. And that’s my formula to writing blog posts! It’s not that hard.
Now one thing I did mention within this whole process of writing blog posts, that you need to link up to other sites. And here’s a bonus tip: I know this goes a bit above just writing, but very few people do it.
When you link up to other people, it flatters them. People love getting back-links, because when you link out to someone, it drives in more traffic. Especially when you’re linking to them in a positive way.
Hopefully you’re not bashing people in your blog post. Stay above that. So when you link up to them, shoot them an e-mail.
“Hey Bob, I have to say I am a huge fan of your work, so much so I linked out to you in my latest blog post.
You can check it out here. Cheers, Bruce”.
P.S. If you shared it, it would make my day”.
That’s it. A lot of people who get linked out to, including me, don’t mind sharing articles on Twitter. It drives blog owner traffic, and it makes the person you link to look great! So that’s it. If you want more traffic to your blog, you need help with the writing content or generating traffic, check out 1 Click Blog Post, and of course, if you just have any questions on writing or need help, leave a comment below with your question, and I’ll answer it.

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